Sunday 28 November 2010


eeeeeeeks. IRAS stalked my mum's bank account !!!

IRAS requested the bank to have my mum's account closed(idk the correct term) & absorb any money that's deposited inside, to pay off the interest we owe. sobs.


After weeks/months of saving up, finally got enough money to pay all the taxes! yay~
(That's the IRAS building behind btw)


Baby Linz tagged along. kekes so cute desu!


No more debts, everybody happy shalala, join in the fun with Baby Linz!


erm.. dunno play with water for how long..

It's a joyous day that's why we played with filthy water on the ground kays. Please don't look at us with sympathetic eyes! >(


Aftermath; off to Velocity!

(Girls might want to go there & watch handsome guys play bball hahas)


& this is why I will never smoke nor allow my spouse to smoke, even if it's not infront of our children.


hahahahas, Baby Linz is (burgar) king with a (hair) tail for a day!
The crown is too big hur?


"That mickey bag is from Disneyland okay! 10 years already hor! Better don't dirty it!"

Aunt empahsized again and again *sings 2PM's song*.. lolol


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