I'll be leaving for Malaysia tomorrow!
To be exact, in 9 hours' time :D
It feels like the real holiday is starting hehee
I thought we'll be leaving on Sunday but I was so wrong!
I am 3 days behind schedule & have a 10 days worth of luggage yet to be packed ._.
Something funny,
The first song that came on when I play my iTunes when I was on the phone with my bf
was Maroon 5's 'Won't Go Home Without You'.
For those of you who didnt't know, the songs with: "I asked her to stay but she wouldn't listen".

So before I go back to packing, here's a message to ❤
Forgive me darling, for leaving you alone in Sg ):
I'll contact you every single day.
Also, I'll be good and take good care of myself.
Pass the baton back to you when i get back :P

Don't keep staring at that gaming screen of yours, get out and breathe some fresh air!
hmm.. with the dangerously high PSI nowadays... I guess not.
Just stay at home the whole week and wait for me kays!

Be back soon ♥♥♥

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