Sunday, 20 February 2011

I'll take a normal day.

Been hard up on money recently boohoos. My bill came up to $90 omg.
So recently I settle my dinner at food courts. Not a bad thing la, can save money. Just that the atmosphere is not there...

Alright, my budget dinner is now separated into 3 categories!


Aston's. The best I could afford at this point of time till I get my pay. Just a week away, I gotta hang on!


Ranking behind western food, it's one of my favourite fish: The saba fish! Comes with rice & soup $5


& then, the very poor times... Economy rice.
The name speaks for itself lol. I hate this because there're so many choices to choose from? Headache ar! & more often than not the dishes are cold being left out to showcase for too long ):


Butbut here's the plus side!
Curry Fish Head / Fish Head Curry (Both the same thing anyway lol)

Occational tzechar dishes makes me happy hees ^^


Been a loooooong time since Doodoo graces my blog & greets everyone!
He pestered me to post a camwhore pic of him & his little pet dog ><

Doodoo: GoodoNighto Everybardi! xD


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