Friday, 18 February 2011

Chinese New Year III

Well I've blogged about the food, leisure means & relatives visiting us. Last post will be me going 拜年!
Paid relatives a visit at their houses & offered chinese new year greetings to get some angbaos in return! hees


Told you I'm not in a cny mood this year, the only NEW thing I have on me is the top. The accessories are relatively new(?) too taking in account that they took two months to arrive ==


Flowers! Screams chinese new year!
& reminds me much of msn cos I used to be a sucker for fuchsia as font color, but now it just looks blehhh ><!

Ahh another 'Wth was I thinking back then?!'


Another shot! The tree in the background looks creepy tho! But I like it that way hehs


Been freaking tired recently! I've spent at least $60 on cab fare just this week. *faints*


On a darker note, I nearly got into a car accident yesterday.
First came a violent shake and a skit to the left lane. I wasn't afraid cos I didn't have a chance to react?
The next thing my brain register is the vulgarities coming from the cab drivers' mouth.
Like machinegun, going on nonstop, went on for at least a few minutes ==
Killed the vibes to be terrified.

But I guess that's exactly what he was aiming for?
What a funny way to pacify oneself LOL

Sorry I do find it rather funny :x


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