Friday, 14 August 2009

high on drugs

My marmie's madddddd

Idk what she's thinking anymore.
Sometimes normal, sometime .. well you know..
Recently should be bcos of sis, i think.
Nono, not recently.
These few years.
Seriously, she should go reflect man.
Attitude & everything, i used her hate her.
I wished her dead & nv born, bcos she's an imbecile (:

im·be·cile (mb-sl, -sl)
1. A stupid or silly person; a dolt.
2. A person whose mental acumen is well below par.
3. A person of moderate to severe mental retardation having a mental age of from three to seven years and generally being capable of some degree of communication and performance of simple tasks under supervision. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.

Imbecile was a controversial term used to classify a type of mental retardation, as well as a type of criminal. The term is closely associated with psychology, psychiatry, criminology, and eugenics.

If you think someone's stupid and dumb,

that someone's a MORON (IQ: 51 - 70).

Way below average? IMBECILE (IQ 26 - 50).

Worst of all dumbasses? IDIOT (IQ: 0 - 25)

Enemy: You're fking stupid laaaaaaa!

you: You're an imbecile la! Talk so much blahblahblah ..


You: You know what? You're an idiot.

Enemy: Then you leiis? MORON!

You (smiling): Thanks for the compliment!

Then, show that person this post. Ahahas !

I'm high on drugs

Back to the top, my mum's mad rmb? ):

Usually my bathing speed's 1hour.
3 hours if i feel like flling the bathtub with water.

BUT, nowadays, my mum sorta time me?
50 mins or so, she'll start yelling for me ==

There's once, when i came out.
She freaking accuse me !
"Why so long? Hide inside & take drugs ar you!?"

& she's serious ==
Bahh, crap.

If im a baby, i'll shoot her this look.


Babies are ignorant.
& they don't have to be responsible for anything.

p.s. No, im not ! Paranoid marmie :x

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