How's my DIY curls looking? (:
I divided my hair into two parts and twisted them into two scrawny balls at each side of my head, secured them with two moko moko scrunchie(as seen above), then went to sleep. The next morning, my hair came out all wavy, trending the Japanese style.
Quite in love with the end result hees ^^

Somewhere in Parklane mall?
The chicken is the crispiest I've tried! Best if you can catch them right off the stove. Bf's recommendation!
I would definitely go back for the.... MILK TEA! Altho it doesn't look like much, it's damn good! It ranked just a place lower than my fav Earl Grey Tea from Gongcha. It's really that good. Go try kays! No regrets ^^

Awesome mashed potato from Popeyes! #Favourite
Sneaked this into the theatre to chow down through the movie :x

Our first purikura/neoprint together, MAJOR LOVES!
We've made plans to have our 愛のプリクラ(Neoprints of Love) taken on our 7th month Anniversary but that plan was consigned to oblivion until a good few years later, literally. hahahaa!
So Glad we finally brought ourselves down to Dhoby Ghaut for the Purikura at a secluded arcade - 'cause we were shy babies (*´ο`*)
Would have been a wee little bit happier if the boy had put in more efforts on the final touch tho. The boy says he's clumsy and is most certain he'll ruin the set of photos like a devil, so he pushed ALL the decorating job to me. Ohwels. It was still fun nonetheless (: