We were at The Village for dinner the other day, Shiu yakiniku. But I'm on something else tonight.
I remember those weekends when school is 'closed' and adults are at home when we wake up after sleeping through the entire morning (:
I remember one of my Uncle(the super good tempered one) would always bring the kids out, driving us to farms, shopping, outdoor carnivals and all. wah really innocent entertainment back then! Erm, so he no longer does that anymore, because.. well the kids obviously grew up, picked up privacy and came up with a new defination for fun.
Guilty as charged.
But one thing I miss for sure is.. prawning!
That's what people call it nowadays anyway. Fishing for prawns, by a pond refilled with them every few hours. But as you know, us singaporeans just love to make some fun outta english and reinvent our own words, so.. yeah prawning it is.

I miss the dim lightings, and serenity. Nobody wants to chase their prawns away with noises lol
Missed the straws too. Felt like I was timewarped to centeries ago when people still live in huts! :x

Our fishing prawning rod

Webster all ready to catch a hugh one! Show off lurh chey!

For these prawns that you can get within reach, people came up with alot of pattern to hook them up the honest way hahaa

Colorful reflection! Told you the place is lovely (:

One second I was *ahem* taking picture of my legs, the next ......

Our first catch! Uncle bth the ZERO on our scoreboard after 45minutes and decides to line in a prawn himself. Caught this poor thing in 5mins tops. Woots~

More pics of the place (:
Soon it's 1a.m and that spells time to head home, & good night.