Suki jio me out last minute.
Meetup with her at Bugis. She brought a guy along :O
Roy, whom she insist tagged along though she's unwilling lol
That guy is now her DARLING, so who's to say he's a stalker? hahs

So Roy was kind enough to wait while we shoot hoops, & even take a few shots of us. (:
I requested de kays, for your benefits lol
But he's also kind enough to take 5-6 shots for me to filter for my blog hees

Popn Music!
I love all music related games, though I never ace at any of them.
But I enjoyed them the most, even more than beloved RPG games (:

Only with a companion am I able to have the courage to choose a difficulty rated 5stars song (:

In the end, this Arcadia/Tornado Card is for Suki to safekeep.

Looking at this pic makes me wna cry.
Because Suki made use of me!

Roy overslept & she thought he couldn't make it,
So the already dolled up Suki jio me out to Gaigai~

I'm the happiest in the toilet because that the only place I won't feel like a lightbulb(extra). D:
LOL Joking lah. I'm not shy one at all that day(buey paiseh).
I had them zoomed across Bugis Street with me to find my mum before we catch 'Karate Kid'.
(Oops. This post is monthsss overdue :x )
I can be myself in front of a stranger that day only because Roy is shy max.
If he's the talkative type, I might just shuts myself out completely lol
&& I got observe kays!
Roy treat Suki not bad ehhs, after the day out I told Suki what I think about Roy and gave a 'Go Ahead'.
Soon after, I received good news that they're together already.
Now still going strong. (:
Not I want to brag, but my judgement's very good hor? hehs