Guess where i spent my birthday?!


Proof of my noobiness ><!

You pay money to bid your time Goodbye & for entertainment only.
Because it's obviously much cheaper to buy a softtoy & packets of sweets from a stall

However, some machines have limited softtoy that you couln't get outside!
So I can't decide if I like this machine anot, just yet.
Anws, someone won the Jackpot in this pic. Spot it!

Kill the sharks KILL THE SHARKS!


Would prefer to spend my bdae in an amusement park for a day though.
I like the lively atmosphere, the rides, balloons, & all the kids!
See what I mean?!

Suki bought these!
For muscles toning, Damn heavy ==
I've always thought they're Barbell, but that Suki corrected me.
It's dumbbell, lol. I though u only use the word Dumbbell to scold ppl !?

Nothing's special about the cup corn.
It's the special'something that comes with it.

I love salty margarine!
Goes effingdamnwell with baguettes, breads, & more!
& Lovely Suki gave me all !