Read my archives!
Love & I always orders Pizzahut delivery, this time we're dining-in.
Though it's no big deal but ..
Well, he's nv dine-in @PizzaHut before.
So, it's his FIRST-TIME(dining-in) with me :D

Love my heels! Just $15+. cheapcheap yaw~
Suki commented that my bronze nails is nice but Darlinq says not nice ):
I wanna go back to having black nails!
Why are companies so strict w their staff's attire urhhs?
I work in the office, also not a salesperson ><

Our usual fav twins: Pepper & salt.
Pizza's fav twins: Cheese + chilli power(idk the official term, so just make do w chilli powder^^)

Look! So cute!
Pizza in the shape of cherry blossom!
Pretty anots? (:

Have you noticed it?
This ' Cherry Blossom meal' serves 4-6 person.
We always order 4-6 person worth of food even though it's just the two of us.
Cos we're gluttons, just like that.

We have 2 cups of orange juice & soups each.
Quite embarassing actually ;x

Chicken broth w cheese according to preference ^^Y

Curry chicken Pan/Crispy thin pizza

I have a mind of signing for a Citibank credit card.
Most restaurants i patronise are partners w citibank & that means I get to enjoy further discounts if i pay by Citibank cards :D
But that is, if i can afford it in future :/

Hohos. Our cherry blossom pizza!

So lucky! I don't like the 'Bak Kua' ingredient in their Cherry Blossom Pizza & was prepared to pick out all the unwanted 'Bak Kua' woefully.
But their ingredients have ran out!
So we got to choose our own topping from their family favourite range. :D

Chosed Seafood topping.
Wanted trio cheeseeeeeeeeeeeee but it's not worth the money )':

Chedder + Mozzarella in the crust ❤❤❤

Prosperity platter

I now officially announce that the charger of my digital cam is LOST )':
So close up pics by hp camera will turn out v v v blur ;x

Golden Shrimp Pillow

I prefer the scallop roll, but both are nice (:

Darlinq placed all the lettuce into his second bowl of soup.
We're good babies, finished all the veggies hehs!

Perfect place to people watch (:
Since people don't usually look up when they walk.

Our leftover. I get to Dabao it home (:
& my cousin was asking me how to order 'The Heart-shape' pizza. Hahs.
Ohh & i dug out all the cheese for dinner <3

I paid for this meal myself leiis!
Wanted to treat Darlinq but he wouldn't allow it.
Super stubborn + egoistic creature.
But i like, what can i do? ><!
Btw, the cherry Blossom meal is no longer available!
Gotta to till 2011's chinese new year. Will miss it (: