i miss my friends.
Real friends who's gone through a significant number of events with me.
Friends who laugh with me instead of
me laughing at them / vice versa.
Idk wad leads to this emotional post.
But .. boohoo. im emo. LOL
I'll be posting photos from eons years ago to remind me
how we used to be, how much we've grown (:
JASMINE - my first bestfriend in sec1 (:

Taken a few years ago at chinese garden.
Rmb this 'supermodel' photo? hahs.
Me in my sparkly crown shirt and your back-stitched top (:
I still have that shirt now! :D condition : 10/10
super good quality, m impressed. lol.
I still rmb we went up to that .. pagoda?
It's all fun with my mum. We played from noon to night. (:
Too bad we'd a slut for company.
That slut who seduce ppl's husband.
Why? i'll post it up soon. Im gonna bitch about her like she deserve.
My closer friends'll know who im talking about.
& the 'neoprint photo'? Look carefully. There's a ghost mark behind ;x
So anws, imy JAS!!
Update your blog more often alrights? (:
Miss Tan ShiLin - aka leng, SL

Our prom night pic!
& a pic taken outside Jas's house.
When we first had contact with makeup (:
I rmb we're lateeeee for prom.
We're so late that we ended up taking cab there.
& we might v well be the only ones who dint wear dresses to our prom. lol
& bcos we're late we dint get our chance at the lucky draw.
Im still not over that yet! Bahh. LOL
There's always laughter with you arnd.
You're a super bubbly girl & i love your childhood stories!! :D
& i miss the times when u sleepover at my xiaoyi's house.
& dance parapara with me through the night. XD
I miss my honey, alishia : A-li-hia

Honey smsed me just now.
I miss her alot! & that bad girl hasn been blogging much especially aft she change t tumblr
We took our very first photo together on the 21st of april 2008.
My closest friend in poly who isnt hiding behind a mask.
& whom i can be myself with her, unlike others.
I shun myself from ppl hiding behind a facade.
Poly's a nightmare, i'd lil friends in poly becos most are backstabbers!
I miss my honey, the A student who's vulnerable when it comes to love.
Glad you got rid of THAT asshole, hope leon will treat u like you're a real princess, hurs? (:
See you next week, we go gaigai :D
I miss HAZEL too,
my busily inlove couzzzzzzzz

This is the only pic i can find online.
There's another one in my hp. Taken in your dad's car after shopping at carefourre with your mum.
we're still de goody kids who listens to parents at that time.
We still have our glasses on. hahs.
But i know, you hate that pic so yeap. will be private. hehs.
Have a blog man! So i can check out how are you anonymously ;x
i miss the latenight chats in that queen size bed.
i miss how we attempt to whisper unsuccessfully hoping your mum wouldn caught us awake.
i miss how you torture Baby (:
i miss how you complain that i always snatch your pillows.
i miss the times where we'll go out in similar / same outfits & think that's cute. lol
& manymany funny times! I miss stayin at your house (:
I especially love the fact that my cousin's only a month older than me (:
p.s. i might as well write a touchy letter to each of 'em. Mebbe i would (;
p.s. i love yx too. im meeting her tmr for a buffet at sakae! weeees FOOD ~
p.s. I hope you'all will update more often. Cos im missing you guys (: